We will be meeting Monday November 28 from around 6:30 to 8:30 at Leann
Chin’s in Blaine located at 1450 109th Avenue NE. Note this is right next to
Target in the South East Corner of Highway 65 and 109th Avenue, just across the
street from the Starbucks we meet at. There is no charge or purchase
requirements for using the room, but I know I will plan on eating there.
For a topic, Bob, who also found us the new venue, suggested listening to a
podcast of Howard Kunstler talking with Dmitry Orlov about his new book
“Shrinking the Technosphere: Getting a Grip on the Technologies that Limit Our
Self-sufficiency and Freedom”. See more on the podcast here: http://kunstler.com/podcast/kunstlercast-282-shrinking-technosphere-dmitry-orlov/
. This should spark some interesting conversation amongst ourselves as well.
Hope to see you then.