Sunday, January 25, 2015

Climate Change Blues

"I have been vacillating between depression and acceptance of where we are, both as victims - fragile human beings – and as perpetrators: We are the species responsible for altering the climate system of the planet we inhabit to the point of possibly driving ourselves extinct, in addition to the 150-200 species we are already driving extinct." 

Dahr Jamail  From Mourning Our Planet

How do you feel?


  1. I cycle through the phases mentioned above but also sometimes swing into a phase of elation over the idea that our reckless and harmful ways will lead (possibly quite quickly) to the end of those reckless and harmful ways.

    Then the implications of our ways ending hits me again and the depression phase sets in again. :)

  2. I can certainly relate to the cycles of elation and depression. What helps me, is the simple knowledge that other folks are experiencing the same thing.

  3. I'm looking forward to reading the book of Essays by Daniel Quinn "The Invisibility of Success" It just came out a year ago. I love how it looks at our situation and I try to find hope where ever possible!

    1. Have you seen the movie Instinct? It's was "loosely inspired" by Quinn's Ismael. The movie isn't so much about hope as it is about letting go of illusions regarding things as they are.

  4. Paula, thanks for the book tip. I sure enjoyed Ishmael and The Story of B. Will have to check it out.

  5. Can I make a blog post? I have many considerations to weigh in here, but apparently amounting to more characters than is permissible in a comment. I thought therefore maybe I would just make it a new post?

    1. Nathan, please do make a post. Let me know if you have trouble getting permissions to do so or figuring out the posting processes. You should have gotten an email invite to give you posting capabilities.

  6. MPR is also running a wonderful series on Climate Change. It started today (Friday Jan 30) and will run all next week too.
    See todays show here:

    1. Paula, thanks for the suggestions. Not sure if your interested, but I think I sent you an invite this morning to be able to post blogs as well. If you are feel free to share these suggestions direct so more folks might see them. I will try and cut and past your suggestion into a post as well. Also hope you can make it to one of our gatherings some time, if time and interest allows. The more the merrier.

    2. I would love to come but life has been more than nuts lately! I will try and make it sometime soon. Please keep me in the loop! I am definitely with you and heart and spirit! :o)

  7. Also learned about another great source called: Climate One!

  8. The Future is Calling us to Greatness! "How can we face the large-scale challenges of our time with hearts of gratitude, passion for life, and inspiration to be in action in service to the future?" This and related questions are explored in this Virtual Conference with some of the world’s most helpful voices regarding the challenges and opportunities we can expect in the coming decades, and what is currently being done! PLEASE check this out!

  9. I am planning to attend the Wild Ones Conference on Sat Feb 21, 2015 how about joining me??!! See details here:
