Monday, February 6, 2017

Wednesday February 8th 2017 Transition TC Gathering

We will be meeting Wednesday evening February 8th, from around 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the new Blaine Cub Foods located at 10881 University Avenue NE, which is at the South-east corner of the intersection  of University Avenue and 109th Avenue in Blaine and Northdale Blvd in Coon Rapids.  I believe they have a conference room located up the stairs located to the left of the checkout registers as you enter the store. 
If time allows we will have a two part meeting. 
Wendy will start us off which some more applications on the practice of herbalism.  This will be a follow-up to Wendy’s yard tour last summer.  We discussed learning more about herbalism as a theme for this year at our last meeting.  And on that topic the classes being offered by the Women’s Environmental Institute might be of interest.  See more here:

Part two will be I believe a hands on opportunity for folks to practice the art of convivial tool making, which Bob will lead.  Bob will show us a project he is working on designed to help folks understand the “hafting” process where stone projectile point is hafted to a shaft to make a useful tool.   Attached is a photo showing the the materials used in the process.  I am hoping to get/make one of these to use for rooting around in my garden this year.

Give me a call at 763-807-3698 or drop me an email at if you have any questions.  

Tom Jablonski